My new laptop :)  

Posted by Divya A L

Bringing up puppies is no cushy job. Its no different with Bruno. Initially though I was skeptical about my decision on bringing him home, now I have no slightest feel of regret whatsoever.

Puppies/Dogs are damn amazing creatures. They not only learn a lot of things but teach too. In this process of learning and teaching, you also get a bonus plus - lots of entertainment which you will never be bored of.

So, what has Bruno learnt so far?

1. He has learnt few words like sit, come, go. His favourite being - "biscuit and carrot". His ears will instantly prick on hearing those 2 words. To better his understanding of the former words, I will have to have the latter ones in my hand :D
2. He climbs up and down the stairs with ease now. Before, he only knew to climb up. After climbing every step, he used to sit and whine to get down off them.
3. He has learnt not to piss inside the house.
4. He has kind of started to identify strangers, which otherwise he went behind everyone he met.
5. He barks v chweeetly :) :) :) Love to hear it!!
6. Since this is his teething period, he bites everything and everyone he sees. He now fears biting, with our voice raised.
7. Gives a shake hand, but conditions apply* (*Only when you have an eatable in your hand ;) )
8. Very good at chasing and v smart in escaping when chased.

Teachings for me:
1. First of all, I've grown to be responsible now. (It seems I sometimes even sound like a mom :) )
2. Induced lots of patience in me.
3. I understand the non humans. I understand, his signs and he understands me. (Well, I feel like the shepherd in "the alchemist ;) )
4. Have realized what unconditional, selfless love is!!
5. I have started to shop more for him than myself. Every second, I think of him. Kind of so totally involved that even in my dreams, I see him :) I wonder what kind of dreams doggies have :)
6. What ever I do to him, at the end of it, he'd always sleep on mylap or feet. He's become my new laptop. It just feels sooooo good. (My father gets J and asks me to never sit down on the floor ;) He's like - "I'm the one who takes care of you day though night, and you are least bothered about me!!" ;) ) Puppies and kids are no diferent at all. Feels nice to care and being cared for.
7. Just love that guilty face of his when he does mischeif and he looks cho cho cho cute when angered (esp when pulling his mustache or when blown on his face :P) :)

Me and Bruno:
Well, its said that you'd like someone if you had shared something in common. So, Bruno, does have many similarities with me. :)

1. Both of us sleep upside down most times :)
2. Both of us love fooooood!! Just that Bruno likes it a 1000 times more than me.
3. We are really buddus at times!!
4. We speak more and listen less :)
5. Good at giving back bites with Bruno literally doing it ;)
6. Difficult to handle us :)
7. We like to go out often. (me for shopping, he for playing :) )
8. Very poor liers. He tries to conceal having eaten paper being tight mouthed but never realises a part of it is hanging out from either sides of his mouth. :D :P

Today I had washed the terrace for 2 hours, with an intention of not leaving anything there for him to swallow. And this kothi mari, went there dont know when and started biting the water pipe that was used for washing. When I stared at him, he promptly dropped the pipe off his mouth and stood there wearing an innocent look. Take a look at the pic below:

Well, to put it simply, I am bindaas enjoying his company. :)))))))

This entry was posted on Sunday, November 15, 2009 at Sunday, November 15, 2009 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


Good. I am no pet lover.. :( and i came over thinking u really got a new laptop ..LOL

That was really a good one. Nez..enjoy with ur laptop..

November 16, 2009 at 2:09 AM

@GARF: Sad to hear that u r no pet lover :( Once you have one, you will def love it, I can assure you :)

Anyways, thank you!! :)

November 16, 2009 at 7:27 AM

Now u know y i used to purchase pedigree n biscuits all the time :) ..

November 19, 2009 at 10:00 AM

@Sou: I definitely know it NOW!!! :)))

November 19, 2009 at 8:19 PM

You're having fun with ur new laptop, from the looks of it!! Managed to irritate the hell out of it? ;) how old is he now?

November 28, 2009 at 8:20 AM

I was not a pet lover, but after reading ur article, I feel I should have a pet, a cute one like yours :)

He is choooooooooo chweeeeeeeettt :)

November 28, 2009 at 7:51 PM

@Sreejith: He will turn 3 month old this 10th...

@SD: Yes you should have one!! You will feel good in his company how much ever mood swings u go thru...
Yeah he is vvvvv chweeeet!!! :)
Labs are generally very sweet dogs!!

December 1, 2009 at 1:39 PM

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